Saturday, December 03, 2005

Fish in Spicy Lemak Sauce (Sihat)

500 g (5 medium size pcs) tenggiri/merah fish
6 pips garlic
8 shallots
2 stalks lemon grass
10 g bird's eye chillies (cili padi)

Ingredients above (except fish) blended together

50 ml (1/2 cup) low fat milk
10 g (3 pcs) dried tamarind (asam keping)
1/2 tsp tumeric powder (kunyit)
1 tumeric leaf
3 tomatoes, quartered
200 ml (1 cup) hot water
salt to taste

1. Place blended ingredients, dried tamarind and tumeric powder into hot water. Cook over moderate heat until boiled.
2. Add fish.
3. When fish is cooked, add tumeric leaf and tomatoes.
4. Finally, stir in low fat milk. Bring to boil, and remove from heat.
5. Serve with rice or putu mayam.

Coconut milk has been replaced with low fat milk to reduce cholesterol. Add the milk last so that the gravy does not become lumpy.

Serves 5


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