Monday, December 05, 2005

Chicken Kalio (Sihat)

600 g (5 pcs) chicken drumstick, discard skin and fat
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 turmeric powder, mixed with 1 cup water
2 1/2 tbsps skim milk, mixed with 1 cup warm water
1 pc dried tamarind
1 turmeric leaf
2 potatoes, halved
100 g cauliflower, sliced
1 carrot, sliced
8 shallots + 3 medium size (30 g) red chillies + 5 bird's eye chillies, blended
120 g (4 stalks) lemon grass + 2 cm galangal, crushed

1. Mix chicken, potatoes, blended and cushd ingredients, and turmeric juice.
2. Simmer and bring to boil.
3. When chicken is half-cooked, add cauliflower, carrot, tamarind, turmeric leaf and salt. Finally, stir in skim milk.
4. When chicken is cooked, remove from heat.

Original recipe uses coconut milk.



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