Monday, December 05, 2005

Pizze (Sihat)

(a) Pizza dough
200 g (2 cups) what flour
2 tsps instant yeast
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsps vegetable oil or olive oil
warm water for mixing

(b) tomato sauce
360 g (3) ripe tomatoes, chopped into large pieces.
60 g (3tbsps) tomato paste
1 big onion, chopped finely
2 tbsps brown sugar
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp oregano or basil

(c) topping
180 g chicken breast, discard skin and diced
100 g canned pineapple, discard juice and diced
50 g carrot, julienned (dikisar nipis)
120 g mozzarella cheese, grated coarsely

(1) pizza dough
1. Mix flour, yeast, salt, sugar and oil in a mixing bowl. Add suffiient warm water.
2. Knead mixture to form a soft and elastic dough.
3. Place dough in a greased tray, and place tray in a warm area for 40 minutes. The dough will expand to double in size.
4. Grease pizza mould.
5. Knead dough to a round shape with 2 cm thickness.
6. Place dough into greased mould. Leave for 10 minutes before adding topping.

Note: Diameter or mould should be 23 - 30 cm.

(2) sauce
1. Saute onion until soft. Add diced tomatoes and stir-fry until soft.
2. Add tomaato paste, oregano/basil and sugar. Cook over low heat for a few minutes until sauce thickens. Leave to cool.

(3) pizza
1. Spread tomato sauce on a pizza dough. Sprinkle toppings all over.
2. Cover topping with cheese and oregano.
3. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes at 200 degrees Celcius or until dough is crips and cheese turns brown.

Choices for topping depend on individual preference. As a guide, choose at least 2 to 3 types of toppings for each pizza. The making of the pizza finishes with spreads of mozarella cheese and a dash of oregano. Below are a few suggestions:

90 g sliced onion
200 g button mushroom, sliced finely
150 d cooked chicken meat, diced
200 g roasted nuts

Serves 6


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