Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tofu - Black Bean Sauce (I)

Ingredients: 16 oz low fat tofu, 32 oz bag frozen broccoli, 16 oz can black beans, 4 tbs fermented black bean sauce, 1 small onion, garlic to taste, soy sauce to taste, 1/2-1 cup water, 1 tbs cornstarch

Slice tofu into 1" cubes, dice onion. Place wok on stove, add Pam.Toast onion, ad garlic. Toss in Broccoli, add water to steam, 10-15minutes. When Broccoli is done, add black bean sauce, black beans andtofu. Bring to boil and add cornstarch mixed with water until desiredthickness is achieved. Add soy sauce or salt to taste. Serve overrice.

Serves 2-4


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